320 S. Cambridge Lane (Corner of Butler and Sawmill Rd.)
Flagstaff, Arizona 86001

Discover the tricks of high altitude baking with Beth Tucker of the
University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, Thursday, December 15
at 6pm at New Frontiers Natural Marketplace. In this workshop
you will learn how altitude affects foods, how to evaluate a recipe to
predict whether it needs adjusting or not. Learn a simple five step
method to adjusting foods such as cakes, breads, candies, cookies
and preserved foods which Beth will demonstrate. Bring your
favorite recipes for the class to practice adjusting.

Just need a couple of recipes adjusted? For a donation to KKONA:
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren(Grandfamily Caregivers)
Beth will quickly adjust your favorite recipe between 5 and 6pm,
December 15.

Beth Tucker is an educator, trainer and administrator for the
University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. Her first awareness
of high altitude baking challenges was in La Paz, Bolivia at over
13,000 foot elevation and later when she baked her own wedding
cake- that flopped. She has conducted classes, consulted with food
technicians, restaurants and written materials on adjusting foods to
higher elevations. Her philosophy to successful high altitude
cooking is that "You shouldn't assume failure. My goal is to help
you understand what causes foods to be problematic so you can
predict and adjust for altitude challenges."

Added by priyadrews on November 29, 2011

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