425 California St., Suite 500
San Francisco, California 94104-2107

Did you know HR leaders spend up to 70% of their time in meetings? Yet in a survey conducted with 900 executives by the Blanchard Organization, 42% responded that meetings caused the highest frustration. What does it take to facilitate effective meetings and successfully keep the "herd of cats" on track?

Whether meeting to plan department activities, work tasks or discuss changes in policies, good meetings are dynamic, focused and engaging; and especially benefit the collective knowledge of a group. Discover how to facilitate an efficient agenda, keep open communication and develop group accountability by establishing ground rules, timeframes and including subject matter experts in your meetings. You'll also find out how to handle individuals who might disrupt the meeting and temper disagreement, and:

Analyze common meeting problems

Define your role as facilitator

Determine when to meet or not to meet

Design an effective meetings model

About the Presenter
Claire R. Cohn, Principal, On Your Feet Consulting and Team Building, is a master trainer and facilitator who has worked with major healthcare organizations, high tech companies, and universities to improve their meetings and leadership programs. She has taught hundreds of Human Resource professionals how to facilitate meetings and give effective presentations. Her company, On Your Feet Consulting, created presentation skills programs that were incorporated in the San Francisco City College leadership management program.

Official Website: http://www.nchra.org

Added by FullCalendar on March 7, 2011

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