18271 McDurmott West
Irvine, California 92614

Learn how to heal and strengthen the digestive system!
This class will focus on how to improve gastrointestinal function and health, and how to relieve digestive disorders such as gas, bloating, GERD, gastritis, IBS and more.
Holistic treatment of gastric disorders is very effective and results are often quite rapid. Most medications suppress symptoms but do nothing to heal the system, and indeed often making the underlying problem much worse.

You are what you DIGEST, not what you eat. All the nutritional supplements and good foods in the world can't help you to heal if you can't absorb them.
Herbal and nutritional treatments are often much less costly, more pleasant, and generally improve the strength of all other body systems at the same time.

We'll look at a number of ways you can easily and very effectively make herbal medicines at home to heal and balance the digestive tract, and strengthen digestive function.

We will make a tea blend for digestive support, to drink in class and also for you to take home and use, and try out few other goodies I have up my sleeve for you...
It'll be a great class! I hope to see you there.

with Julie James

Friday, June 1 7-9 pm $25
Herbal Classes the first Friday of each month

Added by Drjanet Woods on May 23, 2012

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