2707 South Blvd
Charlotte, North Carolina 28209

Presented by Healthy Home Market and Parker Autism Foundation:

Autism is effecting more and more children in America every year. At Healthy Home Market we are committed to helping families that struggle with this very difficult problem. Please join us for a day of free education on various topics pertaining to Autism. We will have nutritionists, attorneys, Chiropractor specializing in Autism treatments, financial planners, Parker Autism and the Autism Society. Great Gluten-Free food and fun for kids, too!

Autism Society - Nancy Popkin
Special Needs Attorneys - Mitzi Kincaid and Ryan Price
Chiropractor - Dr. J. Ashforth
Autism Specialist - Dr. E. Corbe
Blood Analysis - Jason Fowler
Nutritionist - Melissa Karp

Added by carlydchilds on July 20, 2011

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