111 N. Hope Street
Los Angeles, California 90012

The City of Los Angeles gets 44% of its electricity from the dirtiest possible source of energy: Coal-fired power. The LADWP just released a plan with several options about how we are going to power
the utility over the next 20 years. Please come out and speak at the public hearing.

This is the roadmap for how we get our power, and whether we get it from coal or not. There are several options and we are all reviewing those options, but for now it is simply important to register to attend.

There will be a series of meetings and this is the first of several. Join us for the kick off meeting!


About the Integrated Resource Plan

The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) has prepared the Draft 2010 Integrated Resource Plan (Draft 2010 IRP) to provide a 20-year framework to ensure that current and future energy needs of the City are met. In order to do so, the Draft 2010 IRP lays out
alternative strategies for meeting LADWP’s regulatory requirements and environmental policy goals for increasing renewable energy and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, while maintaining power
reliability and minimizing the financial impact on the City’s ratepayers.

Date and Time:

August 12, 2010 · 7:00pm - 9:00pm


The LADWP John Ferraro Building

111 N. Hope Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012

Added by spike.lewis on July 27, 2010

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