6157 N Clark St
Chicago, Illinois 60660

Raven Theatre gets into Hedda's head in Ibsen's classic, 'Hedda Gabler,' adapted by Jon Robin Baitz. Michael Menendian directs the story of Ibsen's ultimate socialite. Exploring the divide between expectation and reality, 'Hedda Gabler' delves into a world dominated by jealousy and control. The motherless daughter of the controlling General Gabler, Hedda lives her life a prisoner bound by tedium and a lack of inspiration. Determined to live gloriously, Hedda will stop at nothing to ensure her security, rarely being true to anyone other than herself. A quick, biting wit and keen judge of character aid Hedda in her influence of the people around her, creating power struggles in which her opponents scarcely stand a chance. Hedda's manipulation of others eventually catches up to her, trapping her beyond her ability to escape. When this compelling drama ends in devastating loss, is it tragedy, or as Hedda would describe it, a drastic act of courage?

Added by Upcoming Robot on April 4, 2009