320 S. Cambridge Lane (Corner of Butler and Sawmill Rd.)
Flagstaff, Arizona 86001

New Frontiers Natural Marketplace Presents
“Healing Effectiveness of Bowenwork®”

What: free seminar about Bowenwork®
When: Tuesday, February 23
Time: 6pm
Where: New Frontiers Natural Marketplace,
320 S. Cambridge Lane (Butler Ave. at Sawmill Rd.)
Who: Teresa Peterson, certified Bowenwork practitioner
Cost: Free

Flagstaff, AZ.

What makes Bowenwork a unique and effective body work?
Meet Teresa Peterson, certified Bowenwork practitioner,
Tuesday, February 23 at 6pm at New Frontiers Natural
Marketplace and discover the gentle difference distinguishing
Bowenwork from other massage or body work techniques.
Bowenwork uses small, but measured inputs to the body,
which stimulate the body to heal itself. Gentle moves done on
muscles, tendons, ligaments or nerves send signals to the nervous
system and the body does the rest of the rebalancing, responding
in its own time, as it is able. Join Teresa and find out if Bowenwork
is the right therapy for you.

Bowenwork Therapy is a relatively new concept in therapeutic
bodywork, however it has been practiced since the 50's in Australia.
Bowenwork is neither derived from nor similar to any other physical
modality and is becoming more and more popular in the USA
Bowenwork Therapy restores the body’s natural balance and
provides relief from chronic pain by allowing the body to heal itself
through gentle and relaxing moves made by the practitioner.
Bowenwork Therapy is extremely gentle, relaxing and considered
highly effective for everyone in physical discomfort with treatment
protocols for almost every health condition.
• Misalignments commonly right themselves – yet there is no
manipulation of joints or bones as in chiropractic therapy.
• Muscle tensions and strains are relieved and normal lymphatic
flow restored – yet muscles are not squeezed as in massage.
• Meridians show immediate improvements – yet the work is not
based on meridians, and does not resemble acupuncture or
• Fascia re-hydrates, adhesions release and scar tissue softens –
yet there is no heavy pressure as in Rolfing or deep-tissue work.
• Internal psychological shifts are common – yet it is not necessary
to evoke emotional response as in mind-body therapies.
• Nearly everyone reports a pleasant, relaxed state and a deep sense
of well-being and ease.
Bowenwork Therapy is completely safe and appropriate for everyone
from the highly trained athlete to newborns, pregnant woman, elderly
and the chronically ill.

Added by priyadrews on January 29, 2010

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