415 S. Beretania Street
Honolulu, Hawaii

The Hawaii Education Matters Rally is to urge leaders to restore 17 furlough Fridays for students.

Hawaii Education Matters is a group organized by parents of public school students who are deeply worried about what the loss of 17 school days will mean for their children's learning. The rally will urge lawmakers and union leaders to find a different solution, and to prioritize keiki now and in the future.

UPDATED Bus pickups at http://www.hawaiieducationmatters.org/Email_Stationary/Bus_Schedule.pdf

Visit HEM at http://www.hawaiieducationmatters.org
Petition at http://www.thepetitionsite.com/petition/113849316
Rally layout at http://twitpic.com/mc2yh

Tweetup: Hawaii Education Matters Rally on Oct 23, 2009 RSVP here: http://twtvite.com/ia1fhw

Kanu Hawaii,School Furloughs (Part I) read more and add your comments at http://www.kanuhawaii.org/today/article/?id=1255469684255188

Official Website: http://hawaiieducationmatters.org/Event_Details.html

Added by Kanu Hawaii Events on October 16, 2009

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