6401 E 87th St
Kansas City, Missouri 64138

Two years ago the ranch was shut down for what the public was told were "development reasons." But only a few know the true story. When night falls, the ghosts of the Old West come back to haunt the Benjamin Ranch. The animals become possessed. Shadows are seen and strange sounds are heard. Recently, several ranch hands have disappeared without a trace. Those that are still around claim to have seen unexplained figures and feel as if they are being watched. Is this the truth? Is the other story just a cover-up to hide the true events that caused the Benjamin Ranch to essentially disappear, except for the buildings left deserted? This is the first year that the public will be allowed to venture through the ranch when the ghosts come back to haunt it. Come and see for yourself if they could be real or just in your own mind.

Added by Upcoming Robot on October 10, 2010

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