The Harvard Alumni Startups' Power of Place series continues with a look at the land. Please join us and spread the word!
Alex MacLean (AB, MArch) combined his interests in land use policy with his talent for photography and skill as a pilot to create Landslides, his successful aerial photography company. His company's clients come from many fields including advertising, land-use planning and architecture, environmental protection and historic preservation. MacLean will tell his story and share some images that he has taken of the earth -- some of them recently exhibited at the Peabody Essex Museum and printed in his popular books.
Bring your stories and questions about the venture possibilities that emerge from the combination of diverse interests and abilities!
TOPIC: The Sky is the Limit: Building a Successful Company with Your Unique Talents
WHEN: November 15th from 7-9pm
WHERE: CGIS South Building (1730 Cambridge Street -- the orange building), Concourse level
DONATION: $20 at the door (Harvard Students with current student ID are free. The event is open to all.)
Refreshments will be served during the networking portion of the evening.
Participants are encouraged to take the T.
This series is made possible by the generous support of Windspeed Ventures, GotVmail and other thought leaders.
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Added by campbebe on November 9, 2006