605 Main St
Middletown, Connecticut 06457

Harpeth Rising is something new. Their sound, comprised of violin, banjo, cello and drums is both recognizable and undefinable. Jordana Greenberg (violin, vocals,) and Rebecca Reed-Lunn (banjo, vocals,) started the band as just a duo under the name Sisters Grimm. Ruthie Valente Burgess (cello) and Chris Burgess (hand drums) became permanent members of the band, creating the group that would become Harpeth Rising.

The quartet now tours regularly, with performances booked throughout the US and UK, drawing audiences in with music that is somehow timeless and still utterly unique. Their self-titled debut album is a collection of passionate, intricately arranged original songs. They are crying for change, questioning the past, and tracking down the revolution, via delicate harmonies and blazing instrumentals.

Added by elesia_b on December 1, 2010

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