24 Hubert Street
New York, New York 10013

Harboring Hearts, Rogue Female Fitness and Lolë will host a heart-healthy expo event at the Lolë Showtique (24 Hubert Street at Greenwich Street) on Tuesday, February 21st. From 6:30-8:30pm, guests can partake in cardio fitness demonstrations, in between shopping, indulging in complimentary wine and dark chocolate and yummy treats from Victory Garden. 20% of your purchases at the showtique on the 21st will benefit Harboring Hearts, which provides a community and resources to heart patients. To register for this free event, please visit http://www.roguefemalefitness.com/programs/giving-back/. Space is limited so don't wait!

Added by R. Couri Hay Creative PR on February 8, 2012