600 N Pickaway St
Circleville, Ohio 43113

Berger Hospital is the first hospital in central Ohio to offer this class. Soothe a crying baby in minutes or less... Magic? A miracle? No, it's a reflex! This nationally renowned class focuses on the calming techniques useful for newborns up to 3 months of age. You will learn a step-by-step approach to help babies sleep longer and soothe even the fussiest infants. Topics covered include: the missing fourth trimester, the calming reflex, the 5 S's and the cuddle cure. Participants will receive a gift including a DVD of the program and soothing sounds CD ($40 value).Classes are held Tuesdays 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Cost: $25.00.

Added by Upcoming Robot on April 18, 2010