11710 San Vicente Blvd
Los Angeles, California 90049

Hannah’s Kittens, the world’s finest luxury plush animals handcrafted of French faux fur, is hosting a trunk show at JennyBec’s (www.jennybecs.com), the full-service children’s boutique that all of Brentwood is buzzing about.

At the trunk show, there will be an exclusive sneak peek at the first ever Hannah’s Kitten’s puppy, which will be released in July 2013. Customers will have the opportunity to pre-order them at this event. In addition, the first six customers who purchase two kittens will get a free HK Signature Hat Box ($35+ tax value).

Hannah’s Kittens will provide special Adoption Certificates to people who purchase a kitten at the trunk show that day: certificates are only given at trunk shows. Children can pick up the new Mini Pink Catalog and free swatches of Hannah’s Kittens ultra-soft French faux fur.

Added by lisaeliapr on October 30, 2012

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