595 Market St, 2nd floor
San Francisco, California 94105

Famed creator of Apple product evangelism, Silicon Valley venture capitalist Guy Kawasaki, will discuss his views on marketing and the future of social networking. He will explore how to develop the highest relations with customers, colleagues, and employees by affecting their hearts, minds, and actions.

One of the marketers of the original Macintosh computer in 1984, Guy Kawasaki is one of the most well-known names in business. He currently serves as the Managing Director of Garage Technology Ventures, a venture capital firm specializing in high-tech start-ups in Silicon Valley. He is also an accomplished blogger and the author of nine books. Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions explains how to bring about voluntary changes of heart in business transactions. It will be published in March 2011. Kawasaki’s blog, “How to Change the World,” is ranked in the top 2,000 most-popular globally.

Added by CommonwealthClub on February 8, 2011