Hwy. 12
Glen Ellen, California 95442

We hope you'll join us for this special opportunity to explore the Bouverie Preserve. Our half-day guided nature walks are on Saturdays throughout fall and spring. Participants are divided into small groups and paired with a trained Bouverie volunteer to explore the mixed evergreen forest, flower-carpeted oak woodland, and rugged chaparral. Guided Nature Walks begin at 9:30 a.m. and end at 1:30 p.m. and range from two to five miles. Visitors of all ages are welcome. There is no charge but donations are appreciated. Contributions support the preservation, education and conservation science programs of Audubon Canyon Ranch. Reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis and can be made a month in advance of each respective hike. Reservations are not definite until confirmed. To make a reservation, e-mail [email protected] (see the website for information required.)

Added by Upcoming Robot on February 2, 2011