3134 22nd Street,
San Francisco, California 94110

Guan Yin Bodhisattva Dharma Assembly

"She responds to whoever calls upon her; she makes herself a lifeboat to save sentient beings from te sea of suffering"

Guan Yin Bodhisattva is a universally beloved great Bodhisattva. She had attained Buddhahood countless eons ago and was known as Zheng Fa Ming (Correct Dharma Realization) Tathagata. Based upon a holy enlightened mind and vows of compassion, she came to this earthly realm in the image of a Bodhisattva to liberate living beings from all sufferings.

Everyone is very welcome to this dharma assembly and please feel free to bring your friends and families.

Official Website: http://www.huazangsi.org

Added by zhengxiangsi on March 7, 2009

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