618 Prospect Ave E
Cleveland, Ohio 44115

Continuing their music journey, Grupo Fuego enters a new chapter filled with new energy and new enthusiasm. Last year, Grupo Fuego saw the departure of veteran members and took some time off to regroup in order to welcome new talent to the band. It was really important for the band to give that opportunity to local artists and to keep it in the Cleveland area, an important concept on which the band was founded originally. Grupo Fuego welcomes Felix Rodriguez on vocals, Richard Rios on vocals, and Ignacio "Nacho" Miranda on guitar and vocals. The band believes the new talent will add a new flavor and a new dimension to the performances and future recording projects.

Grupo Fuego will be celebrating the new addition with a live performance at View Nightclub on Friday, May 28, 2010. Thanks for all the support. Come ready to dance...

Official Website: http://www.grupofuego.com

Added by Grupo Fuego on March 16, 2010

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