320 S. Cambridge Lane (Corner of Butler and Sawmill Rd.)
Flagstaff, Arizona 86001

Did you know that by 2020, half of all American citizens older
than 50 could be at risk for fractures from low bone mass?

Garden of Life has developed a two-part system to stimulate
bone growth, increase bone strength and build bone density.
Enter to win the Vitamin Code® GROW BONE SYSTEM, to
be awarded Saturday, Oct 10 at 10 am at New Frontiers
Natural Marketplace. Winner must be present to win.

Of course, eating a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D and
engaging in simple weight-bearing exercise, such as walking
are important factors in keeping your bones healthy. By taking
good care of yourself and using Garden of Life’s Grow Bone
System, chances are that by 2020, no matter what your age,
you’ll have stronger, healthier bones. So join us at New Frontiers,
Saturday, Oct 10 at 10am and you may win your very own set
of the Vitamin Code Grow Bone System.

Added by priyadrews on September 30, 2009

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