4411 Montrose Boulevard
Houston, Texas 77006

Beneath the Seen, an exhibit curated by Wade Wilson for Wade Wilson Art, focuses on works on paper and studies by artists better known for their work in other media. The exhibit opens with a reception for the artists from 6-9 p.m. April 3 and will remain on view through May 16. The exhibit features works by artists Lucinda Cobley, Danielle Frankental, Joseph Marioni, Jill Moser, Steve Murphy, Yigal Ozeri and Mark Williams. In the atelier space of the gallery the work of Joan Winter will be introduced in conjunction with the exhibit.

“When artists gain importance in particular areas of emphasis, I find it especially exciting to see them venture into an area that lies outside of their notoriety,” said Wilson. “The notion that an artist known for his (or her) excellence as a painter, for example, can parlay his vision from the canvas onto a piece of paper and do so with the same or more aplomb and conviction that we see in his painterly expressions, leaves me with a strong sense of admiration. And, as you might expect, it also sparks a curiosity for their work and the spirit that drives them to create in a medium other than that for which they are
best known.”

Wilson continues, “of course, a works on paper show is hardly revolutionary. But I remain firm in my belief in the importance of examining ancillary areas of an artist’s oeuvre in order to understand more completely his vision. Hence, this exhibit titled Beneath the Seen.”

Official Website: www.wadewilsonart.com

Added by Juice Consulting on March 26, 2009

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