6013 Atwood Dr.
Richmond, Kentucky 40475

There's no such thing as magical powers, Illusionist Greg Farmer will be the first to admit that. Still, he has a job to do, and that job is to create a realm of mystery during his performances. And that he does. Farmer leads people to the land of ahhhs as he dives into the imagination of his audiences through the tool of magic. What he does is fantastical, stunning, emotional, and actually gives the impression that he has magical powers.

But the number one goal of Farmer's family-friendly entertainment is not to impress the audience, though he knows that's important. More importantly, he wants people to leave having shattered their false allusions of what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Magic is simply the tool he uses to accomplish that goal. And his tool is hilarious, engaging, gripping and baffling. You can't help but wonder.

Added by Point Of Grace Richmond on April 1, 2009