125 Arborway
Boston, Massachusetts 02130

Native vs. non-native is a hot topic in horticultural circles. There are plenty of good reasons to choose native plants: they’re essential to the lifecycle of native birds, insects, and other animals; they’re adapted to the regional climate; and many are highly ornamental as well. But the issue isn’t really as simple as that. For starters, how do we even define “native”? And are native plants really the best choice in landscapes that have been so completely human-altered that there’s nothing “native” about them? Though horticulturist Nancy Rose can’t resolve all the questions, she will identify some of the arguments and reasons for “going native” and then suggest appropriate trees and shrubs. She will speak about plant characteristics, cultural requirements, and site conditions that should be considered in the selection – including examples of situations where a native plant isn’t necessarily the best choice.

Official Website: http://arboretum.harvard.edu

Added by Pamazam on April 9, 2009

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