221 Tennessee Ave
Crossville, Tennessee 38555

Set in the fictional town of Tuna, Texas, the “third smallest” town in the state, where the Lions Club roars and Patsy Cline never dies. The eclectic band of citizens that make up the town of Tuna are portrayed by only two performers, making this satire on life in rural America even more delightful as they depict all of the inhabitants of Tuna -- men, women, children and animals.

Playhouse favorites Jason Ross and Daniel Black will bring the entire population of Tuna to life in a tour de farce of quick change artistry, as they portray the comic caricatures of men and women who are young and old, earnest and crotchety, blissful and angry, changing costumes and characterizations faster than a jack rabbit runs from a coyote. John Fionte, whose production of ON GOLDEN POND was an audience favorite in ’09, directs TUNA, with technical direction by John Partyka and lighting by Tonry Lathroum.

Official Website: http://www.ccplayhouse.com

Added by Cumberland County Playhouse on January 27, 2010