"Great Pumpkin? Halloween Dodgeball Tournament Oct. 29:
(No previous dodgeball experience is necessary.)
Get your team together for the National Amateur Dodgeball Association?s annual ?Great Pumpkin? Halloween Dodgeball Tournament, to be held indoors, Oct. 29 at the Sport Center, 1141 W. Irving Park Rd, Schaumburg, IL
Winning teams are eligible to win cash awards and paid bids to the indoor National Championships in January. Teams are encouraged to dress up for Halloween and prizes will be awarded to the teams with the most original uniforms.
The event will begin with check-in at 9 a.m. Official play starts at 11 a.m. Teams may participate in men?s, women?s or co-rec divisions. Participants must be at least 16 years old. Registration deadline is Oct. 23 but may be extended.
Teams consist of a maximum of 10 players, with six competing at any one time. The last person remaining between the two opposing teams is declared the winner. Unlike the dodgeball one might remember from elementary school, NADA uses soft rhinoskin balls for all tournaments. Monitors supervise all games.
Registration is $100 per team. For additional information, or to register, call 847/490-7020, or visit www.dodgeballusa.com.
Added by spudart on October 21, 2005