Hadnock Road
Monmouth, Wales NP25 3NG

A walk through a fascinating dense mosaic of small fields, various types of woodland, isolated cottages, quarries and old iron ore mines. The area is flanked by the breathtaking gorge of the River Wye and is rich in wildlife habitats, including several Herefordshire Wildlife Trust reserves. The walk is suitable for adults and children alike but does include some short steep gradients, uneven ground and an unprotected sheer cliff top (which can be avoided by those who wish to do so).

Leader: Nic Howes
Distance: 3 miles / 4.8 km
Location: English Bicknor
Time: 9:30am
Cost: Free
Booking: Essential
Contact: Sarah Sawyer, Wye Valley AONB Community Links Officer
Tel: 01600 710844 email: [email protected]

Added by Wyedeantourism on April 20, 2012

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