1615 W 39th St
Kansas City, Missouri 64111

The Graphic Novel Club will meet on Sunday, July 17th, at 1:30 PM at the Crave Cafe (on 39th Street, 6 blocks east of State Line). We will be talking about Gaiman and Amano´s SANDMAN...THE DREAM HUNTERS. So you'll need to buy this book at a comic shop or on-line, read it, and be ready to talk about what you liked or didn't like about it! After we talk about the Graphic Novel, we will talk about the comic books that came out last month! This will be immediately followed by the a Storyteller's Workshop at 3:00 PM.

Added by voidpulp on June 29, 2005



This is a KC Comix Scene event. Anyone is welcome to attend.


Interested 1