600 Guerrero Street
San Francisco, California 94110

oew and nld

October 3rd – September 8th

OPENING RECEPTION: Thursday, October 3rd from 9pm – 11pm

Musical Performance by Black Bow

600 Guerrero @ 18th
San Francisco

“As the story goes the man awoke, at first swarmed in foggy dilusion, But as time went on His situation Began to Become clearer. it was not for some time that he realized the extent of danger He was in. the man was crated and buried. cept company only by the loud sounds of his own shifting clothing and short panicing breaths. hours crept by while every bead of sweat that rolled down his forehead seemed to evaporate as soon as they hit the floor of the tomb that confined him. more eternitys pass. And now that he has ecepted his fate reaches a calmNess. He was pondering all of the wemon he had loved when the faintest of sounds began. It took him awhile to finally make out what it was. shure enough it was someone with a shovel and as the sound grew closer and closer his heart rate grew quicker and quicker. He felt a sharp pain in his chest just when the shovel hit the wooden box and it wasent until the lid was pryd off and his rescuers exposed themselves that he began to truly panic, for they were giant rat monster things dressed in human cloths and as they tore and devoured him all he could think was beautiful music.”

Grant LaValley now resides in San Francisco where he creates volumes of work, exhibited in various group shows around the Bay Area. He has also produced several independently published comic books, and is a member of the avant-garde band “Limosine”. Grant’s large-scale ink drawings and installations draw inspiration from pop culture icons of the 80’s and 90’s, music, and witty plays on slang terms, as well as, a constant line of communication with the undead. “ He has created and exists in his own world that is both terrifying and hysterical. I don’t know whether to laugh or vomit!” says Steve, lead singer of the band “Wiccan Ruins”. Grant can usually be found riding through the city on his bright green stead undoubtedly on his way to converse with the forces of evil where he will demand of them, “Take a chill pill!”

Added by {bat} on September 3, 2009

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