The PJ Library® program in Silicon Valley (a program of the The Jewish Federation of Silicon Valley), will be sponsoring a special program at the Chai House senior residence this month. Grandparents, parents and grandchildren will have the opportunity to share memories and special moments in their lives with each other, and enjoy doing craft activities and listening to stories together. PJ Library families (with or without grandparents in the area) are invited to come to Chai House (814 St. Elizabeth Drive, San José, CA 95126) on Sunday, October 24, 2010 from 10:30am to 12noon to enjoy this warm experience. RSVP by October 20th to [email protected] or 408-357-7512.
The PJ Library Program provides free books every month to Jewish children ages 0-7, and offers monthly programs featuring storytimes and craft activities
Added by PJLibrary-SV on September 29, 2010