258 Tomas Morato Street
Quezon City, National Capital Region

Yahoo! is celebrating the opening of its two Yahoo!-powered Internet cafes in Quezon City, Philippines. Come join us as we open the doors and let our Philippine community have a Yahoo!-flavored Internet experience. There will be food, drinks, games, gifts and the event will be graced by Bianca Gonzalez. Come meet her and have a chat. Bianca will soon be participating on Yahoo! Philippines Answers so watch out for that as well. See you there!

You can also join us at our other event at Worldnet Internet cafe.

Official Website: http://ph.answers.yahoo.com

Added by Answers Team on September 19, 2007



How much is the registration fee?

Answers Team

It's free! Just bring yourself and your friends and have a good time. Oh and bring questions for Bianca.


Yes, I will be coming.



This should be fun, count me in. :-)