9555 N. Central Expressway SW Corner Walnut Hill Ln/Rt 75
Dallas, Texas 75231

From swing to jazz to bottleneck blues to folk, Grammy-winning acoustic guitarist Pat Donohue plays it all with a flourish of artistry and melodic inspiration. Chet Atkins called Pat one of the greatest finger pickers in the world today; Leo Kottke called his playing “haunting.”

Pat is certainly one of the most listened to finger pickers in the world. As the guitarist for the Guys All-Star Shoe Band of Minnesota Public Radio’s A Prairie Home Companion, Pat gets to show off his savvy licks and distinctive original songs to millions of listeners each week. http://www.patdonahue.com

Susan Gibson opens...penned the Dixie Chicks debut hit "Wide Open Spaces" http://www.susangibson.com

Official Website: http://www.unclecalvins.org

Added by NTxFolk on February 8, 2009

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