96 Bold Street (2nd floor)
Liverpool, England L1 4HY

Hare Krishna,

Thank you very much to those who came to the Hare Krishna festival last Sunday. We really appreciate your enthusiastic participation.

Everyone knows that a happy life requires good health. Proper diet, regular exercise and sufficient rest are necessary to keep our bodies strong and fit. If we neglect these, our bodies become weak and susceptible to infection.

More important, but less well known, is the inner self's need for spiritual nourishment. If we ignore our spiritual health requirements, we become overwhelmed by negative tendencies like stress, anxiety, anger, and boredom. To meet our spiritual need and awaken the natural happiness within, a genuine process of meditation is recommended.

The Vedas, ancient texts containing India's timeless spiritual wisdom, advise that the best process for awakening spiritual consciousness is the hearing and chanting of transcendental sounds or mantras.

We hope you experienced a higher taste this Sunday and would like to experience more. Please do not hesitate to come. George Harrison, one of The Beatles said:

"The response that comes from chanting is in the form of bliss, or spiritual happiness, which is a much higher taste than any happiness found here in the material world. That's why I say that the more you do it, the more you don't want to stop, because it feels so nice and peaceful."

Hope to see you again.

(P.S. At the door at 96 Bold street press buzzer "C" (bottom left button out of four))

Yours sincerely,
Hare Krishna devotees

Added by Gouranga Festivals on September 1, 2009

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