31 King's College Circle
Toronto, Ontario M5S1A1

$35 / $20 students (valid student ID required)
general admission
N.B. There are a limited number of student tickets available.

It has been 30 years since Dr. Goodall founded the Jane Goodall Institute in California, in response to what she saw as an overwhelming need for action in the face of the rapid degradation of critical habitat for chimpanzees and other African wildlife. Today, the Institute has evolved into a dynamic international organization that supports wildlife research, conservation and education.

Dr. Goodall will speak about the successes and the challenges that the last 30 years have brought. She will describe some of the latest research being undertaken at Gombe Stream National Park in Tanzania, where the 47-year chimpanzee research program she initiated continues today; about the critical need to protect Africa’s Great Apes and other wildlife species in the face of mounting pressures, including the commercial bushmeat trade; and about the hope that has been introduced by the Jane Goodall Institute’s innovative community-centred conservation programmes, which meld habitat conservation with efforts to improve the lives of African communities.

All proceeds from the lecture will support the work of
the Jane Goodall Institute of Canada.

Official Website: http://www.uofttix.ca/view.php?id=238

Added by saira on July 24, 2007