270 N Grove Ave
Elgin, Illinois 60120

GO TO 2040 is a plan that will guide growth for this region. More growth is coming to this area--2.8 million new residents are expected to bring the population of metropolitan Chicago to 11 million by 2040. Critical decisions need to be made about how growth should continue, where jobs and housing will be located and transportation options. Your ideas are needed! The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) will address issues such as the environment, economic development, housing, education and health care and needs your input to formulate the best plan for this region.

Official Website: http://gailbweb.gailborden.info/evanced/lib/eventsignup.asp?ID=2992&rts=&disptype=info&ret=eventcalendar.asp&pointer=&returnToSearch=&SignupType=&num=0&ad=&dt=mo&mo=7/1/2009&df=calendar&EventType=ALL&Lib=&AgeGroup=ALL&LangType=0&WindowMode=&noheader=&lad=

Added by Billie Moffett on June 16, 2009