543 Ockley Drive
Shreveport, Louisiana

Nena Plant Wideman Piano Competition Finalists:

•Ko-Eun Lee (The Juilliard School)
•Jannie Sing-Yen Lo (San Francisco Conservatory)
•Soyeon Park (Manhattan School of Music)

Three of the world’s most exciting young pianists test their mettle as they compete for Gold in the finals of the prestigious Nena Plant Wideman Piano Competition. Hear the stars of tomorrow with the backing of the full Shreveport Symphony Orchestra. As a member of the audience, you’ll be able to vote for your own favorite. Exciting camera work will bring you into the action as up-close images of the musicians are projected on the walls of First Baptist.

Official Website: http://www.shreveportsymphony.com

Added by hhickman on December 20, 2010

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