40–42 Woodlands Road
Glasgow, Scotland G3 6UR

For those who missed it (like me!), and for those who just want to do it again...

Charing Cross Light Trails: Part Deux
In this second edition of the fantastic Flickr Wandr series, we revisit the classic stomping ground for long exposure enthusiasts, and invite you along to join us. Whether you have a point-and-shot, DSLR, polaroid, cameraphone or anything else, come and join us for an evening of Flickry...

Smiley Stew will have some goodies for those who come along to this Charing Cross sequel.

Details are pretty much the same as last time...

Meet at Beanscene, Woodlands Road at 8pm, Monday 28th January, and take it from there!

Official Website: http://www.flickr.com/groups/glasgowmeetups/

Added by Smiley Stew on January 20, 2008