906 and a half Divisadero St
San Francisco, California

So yeah, I know what you’re thinking. When is BUS going to make with the bad ass? How does March 9, 2012 sound? Because that’s when we unveil Girls with Guns. If you have always wondered what would happen if Russ Meyer and Barbarella had an illegitimate love child and named it Suicide Girls, but then Pam Grier and Grace Jones found out and were having none of it. But, they’re kind of like, the best gossip queens ever. Ass kicking gossip queens, with guns. So join us over at BUS for some laser hot and tough as manicured nails ladies who failed their gun safety courses. Ok, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking this exactly the kind of show you’ve been waiting for. Yes, we already knew that. So make with the calendar-writing down and don’t forget to swing by BUS for your usual 2nd Friday art fix! We’ll have tons of girls, guns (in paintings..we’re not that crazy), and girls with guns!

Added by Big Umbrella Studios on March 4, 2012