220 N Washington St
Falls Church, Virginia 22046

The Gin Blossoms rocketed out of the college pop charts and into the mainstream with their 1993 hit single 'Hey Jealousy.' Combining the ringing guitar hooks of the Byrds and R.E.M. with a solid, rootsy drive, the band's breakthrough full-length album was 'New Miserable Experience.' After a brief breakup, the group reunites vocalist Robin Wilson, bassist Bill Leen, Jesse Valenzuela and Scott Johnson on guitars. Up-and-coming singer/songwriter Josh Kelley is best known for the hit single 'Amazing' from his debut album 'For the Ride Home.' Georgia native Shawn Mullins labored for 10 years as an independent artist until fortune shined upon him with his breakthrough, 1998 hit single, 'Lullaby.'

Added by Upcoming Robot on May 15, 2008