1000 Murray Ross Parkway
Toronto, Ontario

Green Fleet Expo logo. The Cities of Toronto and Hamilton, along with Fleet Challenge Ontario have started planning for the GFX '08. The event will be in Toronto this year. The event will be held at Black Creek Pioneer Village on May 27. Registration and other details will be available soon.

Hamilton hosted the second-annual Green Fleet Expo in May 2007. The event highlighted green fleet technologies in use today and provided fleet managers with information on green fleet technology.

See the video the EMS film crew shot at the 2007 GFX

The City of Toronto hosted the 2006 GFX, see the photo gallery of the day's events, and hear what participants said about the event.

More info: http://www.toronto.ca/fleet/expo.htm

Official Website: http://www.blackcreek.ca/

Added by thegreenpages on March 16, 2008