2051 Harrison Street
San Francisco, California 94110

When our hips aren’t working properly--when they’re stiff, tight, injured or out of balance—it’s as if they’re clogged. When this area is blocked, things get stuck, emotional and physical mess piles up, and we face myriad issues surrounding pleasure, intimacy, and change.

To cleanse this part of the body, we first have to open up. In this workshop, we’ll do just that, delving deep into the entire pelvic region through some of the most intense hip openers--gomukasana (cow face pose), eka rajakapotasana (pigeon pose), frog, and humble warrior. We’ll also use deep breath work and meditation to rebalance the nervous system and calm our emotions, bringing us back into equilibrium.

In addition, this area is the home of the svadisthana chakra, our pleasure center, and is closely tied to the spleen and our digestive system. When the second chakra is out of balance, we suffer low back and hip pain, sexual inadequacies, and issues in our relationships with others and ourselves, but when unobstructed, we are free to be playful, present, and receptive. We are unstuck!

Added by JaLa on May 11, 2010

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