Level 3, 50 York Street
Sydney, New South Wales

Learn how to use LinkedIn to build your personal profile, get seen as an expert and get new business.

In the 2.5 hour hands on session (so bring your laptop) we will go through:

- Optimising your LinkedIn profile
...- Finding your way around LinkedIn
- Growing your LinkedIn network
- Postioning yourself as a network in your field

In a small group of 10 maximum you will learn what needs to be done and then implement it on the spot, so that you walk away with your profile ready to go. Plus we will run through what you should be doing on a daily basis to keep it firing!

The workshop is run by Lara Solomon - the Chief Rabbit at Social Rabbit, to connect with her on LinkedIn go to: Http://au.linkedin.com/in/laroo

Wifi will be provided at the location.

If you are interested in this event, but can't make the date please email [email protected] and let us know and we will work with you on another date.

Cost: $125, limited spaces!

Call 02 8006 4495 or click here to register today: http://www.socialrabbit.net/shop/linkedin-workshops/?shopp_category=4

Official Website: http://www.socialrabbit.net

Added by socialrabbit2010 on October 13, 2010

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