University of Nevada
Reno, Nevada

Get your product launched successfully

Product Launch Formula 2 is HERE!

Product Launch Formula was created by Jeff Walker, a leading internet guru. After the stupendous success of Product Launch Formula he is launching Product Launch Formula 2 now. If you don't know Jeff Walker, then I am pleased to let you know that he is the one who made six figures in a seven day period.

Jeff says, I have a huge passion for the internet publishing business, and I love sharing it with people.

Now I want to be absolutely clear here - not all of my motivations are so altruistic. You can rest assured that I will make a very nice profit from this web site.

After all, that is what I do - I put together profitable web sites. And I am going to turn this one into a very nice profit center - just watch me. In fact, I am going to let you see how I do it as I go along.

Added by ProductLaunchFormula2 on March 28, 2008