5900 Greene St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144

With each new year comes new resolutions. In 2011, resolve to finally learn the ropes (literally!) – along with trapeze, tightwire, juggling and more! Starting on Saturday, January 15, 2011, Philadelphia School of Circus Arts (PSCA) presents an “Intro to Circus Arts Workshop,” every Saturday, from 2pm to 3pm, at the PSCA studio, 5900A Greene Street, Philadelphia, PA 19144. During each workshop, circus professionals will introduce participants to different types of circus arts, including rope, trapeze, tightwire, plate-spinning, juggling and other side-show skills. The workshop is $25.00 per person. The workshop is open to anyone 16 years and older. Advanced reservations are required by visiting www.phillycircus.com, or calling (215) 849-1991.

“PSCA’s ‘Intro to Circus Arts’ workshop gives those with no experience an opportunity to try a new skill and experience a day at the circus first-hand,” said PSCA Managing Director Robin Marcotte. “In 2010, we launched our sold-out ‘Intro to Aerials Workshop’ to 1,000+ new students! We hope to replicate that success by introducing area residents to other elements of circus arts.”

The “Intro to Circus Arts Workshop” will run every Saturday, from 2pm to 3pm, between January 15, 2011 and March 26, 2011. Other dates and times will be announced after January 1, 2011.

Philadelphia School of Circus Arts is the regional center of contemporary circus arts. Seasoned faculty lead a curriculum featuring aerials (static trapeze, corde lisse, aerial silks and lyra), juggling, unicycling, tightwire, tumbling and physical conditioning. In addition to ongoing classes, PSCA also offers social events, birthday parties, rental space, summer camp and special guest performances. Students are all ages and all levels, coming from locations as far away as Brooklyn, New York. The studio is located in the heart of Germantown and Mt. Airy, at 5900A Greene Street, Philadelphia, PA 19144. Parking is free.

For more information, or to make reservations, visit www.phillycircus.com or call (215) 849-1991.

Official Website: http://www.phillycircus.com

Added by koryaversa on November 24, 2010

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