1 Embarcadero Center Suite #4100
San Francisco, California 94111

Disappointed with your marketing results and seeking innovative ideas for 2009?

Attend my GET SMART Marketing Boot Camp on Wednesday, 12/10 from 10:00 am - 5:00 pm and walk away with your smart action plan for 2009. Seating is limited to 8 people only.

Sample topics:

* Discover social media tools to expand your market using YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter and more (Look how Obama changed policital campaigning)
* Learn PR secrets & how my clients got featured in Money Magazine, NY Times, Wall Street Journal etc.
* Walk away with your own Cocktail Napkin Marketing Plan™ for ‘09 w/quarterly strategies

Attract more ideal clients, improve your online visibility and network with other smart professionals.

Register Now, Seating is Very Limited. Guaranteed you’ll learn a lot of proven techniques to improve your results quickly & cost-effectively!

Your registration includes your copy of the Cocktail Napkin Marketing Plan™ e-Book and Free marketing template ($99 value) plus you’ll be entered to win a Free FLIP Ultra video camera.

Official Website: http://businessplantemplate101.com/marketing_boot_camp/

Added by Robyn Levin on November 25, 2008