1400 N 5th St
Grand Junction, Colorado 81501

German Cáceres, guest conductor and composer from El Salvador, leads the GJSO in an evening of Latin American flair and Old World classicism. Brandon Lee, who excited audiences and was winner of the GJSO’s 2008-09 Young Artist Competition, will perform Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No. 1 in B-flat minor. Salvadoran composer Escolástico Andrino’s Sinfonia en Re Mayor will be performed as well as Argentinean composer Alberto Ginastera’s dance suite Estancia, an energetic and insightful look into cattle ranching in the South American nation.

Cáceres is currently conductor of the Orquesta de Cámara de El Salvador, and is in demand as a guest conductor and lecturer. As a composer, Cáceres’ works have been performed by numerous major orchestras all across the world. Cáceres is also an avid educator, having lectured in El Salvador and the United States.

Brandon Lee has been studying piano since the age of 8. Lee is currently a senior at Utah State University, majoring in piano performance, and has won several state, regional, and national competitions.

German Cáceres, conductor
Brandon Lee, piano

Ginastera - Estancia: Four Dances
Andrino - Sinfonia in Re Mayor
Tchaikovsky - Piano Concerto No. 1 in B-flat minor

Official Website: http://www.gjsymphony.org/content/german-cáceres-conducts-gjso

Added by Grand Junction Symphony Orchestr on June 7, 2009