33-45 Parr Street
Liverpool, England L1 4JN

We will be having a talk from Ian Forrester of the BBC, on BBC Backstage and the future of openness.

Directions, (you'll need them). 3345 Parr St is not clearly advertised on the street. http://icanhaz.com/parrst use bird's eye view to see the door to the bar. It's next to the Parr St Garage.

Help us choose talks!

What is GeekUp?
GeekUp is a community of web designers, web developers, and other tech-minded folk from the North West. Our socials take place once a month in Leeds, Liverpool and Manchester and are always a lively place to share ideas and spread a little knowledge.

Who can attend GeekUp?
While the focus for GeekUp is predominately web related anybody involved in the technology industry is more than welcome to attend a GeekUp. The monthly events are free, we just ask that you buy your own beer.

Official Website: http://geekup.org

Added by tshannon on June 26, 2008



I predict a Liverpool BarCamp call to arms!


I'm currently finishing (well...trying to) my PhD, which is Semantic Web related. Would I be welcome to attend?

I need to escape thesis writing!!


@p_doran all are welcome! :)


If you can't make this one and you want to see Ian's talk, then checkout Upcoming for tonight's (22/07) Manchester Free Software, as he is also speaking there.


OK, one question - it's my first GeekUp - how will I know where you all are when I get into 3345 Parr Street??


The talks are in the boardroom which is on the left as you walk in. It looks like it'll be busy tomorrow and Parr Street isn't massive, so I don't think you'll be able to miss it!


Thanks - see you there tomorrow then!


erk, sadly I'm having to bail out due to the in-laws being up and me having to do "family" stuff. So can someone do a quick writeup of the evening?

Hope it goes well

Grant Bell

Very good talk this month guys !!!


Gutted i missed it, had a tight deadline!!