33-45 Parr Street
Liverpool, England L1 4JN

Venue Change Again...
This month we're back to 3345 Parr St.

This Month's Talks...
There will be one but we're still waiting on confirmation. Watch this space for updates...

What is GeekUp?
GeekUp is a community of web designers, web developers, and other tech-minded folk from the North West. Our socials take place once a month in Leeds, Liverpool and Manchester and are always a lively place to share ideas and spread a little knowledge.

Who can attend GeekUp?
While the focus for GeekUp is predominately web related anybody involved in the technology industry is more than welcome to attend a GeekUp. The monthly events are free, we just ask that you buy your own beer.

Official Website: http://geekup.org

Added by GrahamPengelly on September 17, 2007



Hopefully I'll be coming straight after some course in Manchester


I can't come to this one as I'll be in Berlin, but I'd be there otherwise!