1931 No. Milwaukee Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60622

Get your pocket protectors ready because it's time for the second installment of Geekeasy!

Come early because at 10:30 sharp, Internet sensation The Nostalgia Critic will be riffing live (think MST3K) on the so-bad-it's-good movie Masters of the Universe, with guest riffers Luke Ski and Justin Graham.

After the movie, we've got a mini burlesque show featuring Geek Girl Burlesque performers Bella Canto, Hazel Hellbender, Lacey Lay, and Hootenany Cha-Cha, with M.C. Justin Graham. The ladies will be performing sample numbers from the Gorilla Tango Theatre shows Boobs and Goombas and Fellowship of the Boobs. For more info about these shows, please check out Geekeasy's official sponsor, Gorilla Tango Theatre at gorillatango.com.

But wait, there's more! We will also have a live performance by nerd-centric comedy muscian, the great Luke Ski, the Dr. Demento show's most requested artist of the 21st century!

As always, Aaron Ackerson (Geekeasy's host and resident DJ who will also be giving away copies of his new Geekeasy: This Mixtape, Volume 2) will be spinning a highly danceable mix of video game music, anime songs, chiptune, nerdcore hip-hop, Internet memes, dementia, and more. This time around, he'll be joined by guest DJ Jeffito of Anime Central's Soap Bubble. The party goes till 3 am, so bring your dancing shoes! There will be super-cheap drink specials, so also bring your drinking shoes!

Geekeasy Episode II is a free, 21+ event.

Official Website: http://luckynumberchicago.com

Added by Spacecat on September 5, 2011

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