710 W 6th St Ste B
Austin, Texas 78701

GeekAustin ISO fun m/f for drinks and interesting conversation at JBlack's Feel Good Lounge. Hobbies include microformats, OpenID, microformats, rich APIs, sexy but functional design, XFN, mashups, cute little widgets, um and microformats. Please visit
geekaustin.org for more info. Skinny/curvy/thin clients/a few extra pounds okay.

Official Website: http://geekaustin.org

Added by geekaustin on January 27, 2008



The dorkbot tent is that night so are you guys parading over to our tent across from the Convention center? I hope to see you there!


Join your fellow Refreshers and get you groove on early Monday night by attending the PhizzPop Design Challenge at Maggie Mae's.
