Am in the process of reaching out to local Geeks I know from back in my Guru Communications and days to see if we can all get together to break some bread and share some stories. After living in Silicon Valley and San Francisco for the last 5 years, and DC for 2+ years before that, it has been a long time since I tried to put something together in my home town.
Like most Geek Dinners, this will be a casual affair. I still need to check in with friends and find the right venue, but I am hopeful I still know someone who owns a cool space on Lincoln Road or some place south of there we can meet. If you have a suggestion, please do let me know.
Am looking for a good venue on South Beach near the M3 Summitt which I will be attending. Preferrably with WiFi so we can all act like SanFranSocial and geek out with our laptops while playing buzzword bingo with each other and not worrying about people who dont understand what we are talking about.
Added by kikichris on March 15, 2006
still no place chosen, but will be down there tomorrow to check things out while checking in at the M3 Summitt