Rotary Park 2577 West Meyer Rd
Wentzville, Missouri 63348

Gateway DockDogs is open to any dog - regardless of breed, size, shape, or ability. The only restriction in competitions is that the dog must be over 6 months of age.

The sport of DockDogs Big Air is a great way to get started in other dog sports as well. Since it is a less complicated sport with simple rules, the dog has an opportunity to experience the other aspects of dog competitions - noise, new people, new dogs, new smells.

The Simple Rules of DockDogs Big Air:

1. Only 1 person may compete at a time.
2. Only 1 dog may compete at a time.
3. Only 1 object may be used to throw.

Pretty Simple, huh? It is!! The sport of DockDogs is surrounded by a 100% positive environment. The word, "NO", should never be heard while practicing or competing for DockDogs.

Event Schedule:

Wed, July 23, 2008
Onsite registration opens - 6:00 pm
Big Air Wave # 1 - 7:00 pm

Thur. July 24, 2008
Onsite registration opens - 6:00 pm
Big Air Wave # 2 - 7:00 pm

Fri, July 25, 2008
Onsite registration opens - 3:00 pm
Extreme Vertical - 4:00 pm
Big Air Wave # 3 - 6:00 pm
Speed Retrieve - 7:30 pm

Sat, July 26, 2008
Onsite registration opens - 8:00 am
Big Air Wave #4 - 9:00 am
Big Air Wave # 4 - 10:00 am #5 - 11:00 am
Big Air Novice Finals - 12:00 pm
Big Air Junior Finals - 12:30 pm
Big Air Senior Finals - 1:00 pm
Big Air Top 12 Finals - 1:30 pm

Official Website:

Added by Team Quinn on July 11, 2008

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